Our Values

Safety first

We play it safe - It's important to us to make your charter trip a memorable and accident-free experience... Therefore we follow a strict safety protocol and make sure the "Patriot" operates surveyed under regulations of Maritime New Zealand.


We take care of our environment - in, on and out of the water as well as on land. We only take what we want and follow strict catch limits set by the MPI NZ.

A "can do" attitude

Fishing, Scuba Diving, Free Diving, Snorkelling, Spearfishing? Or just enjoy being dragged on a "biscuit" behind the Patriot?

Support local

Living most off our lives "off the grid", we know how important a community is and how rewarding remote living can be. That is the reason to give back some kudos to our friends and business on Great Barrier Island: - Go Barrier - [Barrier Air](https://www.barrieriair.kiwi) - [Sealink Ferries](https://www.sealink.co.nz)